Getting that degree is such an exciting accomplishment! I myself am headed there in a couple weeks and I couldn’t be more excited for myself and all the grads I am working with this season. And what better way to accomplish this than alongside the people that love and support you the most.

Me and Shay met a couple years ago through photography (she’s an awesome photographer too! Check her out @fernandpinestudios) and it’s been great having a friend to connect with during this hobby to business transition we’re both experiencing. It is always so humbling to be able to shoot a fellow photographer’s photos.

It was a beautiful day in Northwest Calgary and it was lovely being able to shoot outside and getting Shay shots with her family and her boyfriend Josh, saving some time at the end of the session to sneak in the cutest express couple’s shoot. Scroll down to the bottom to check it out!

Grad | Shay’s Grad Session Turned Couple Mini


Lets capture your story as uniquely and authentic as your love

Let's do this!